介绍 package:flutter_lints
#The package:flutter_lints
定义了最新一组推荐的 lint,鼓励对 Flutter 应用程序、包和插件采用良好的编码实践。使用 Flutter 2.5 或更高版本创建的项目已经启用使用最新一组推荐的 lint。在此版本之前创建的项目可以使用本指南中的说明进行升级。
#在引入 package:flutter_lints
之前,Flutter 框架附带了一组在 analysis_options_user.yaml
中定义的 lint,如果 Flutter 项目没有定义自定义的 analysis_options.yaml
文件,则 Dart 分析器 会使用这些 lint 来识别代码问题。由于 analysis_options_user.yaml
与特定框架版本绑定,因此很难在不破坏现有应用程序、包和插件的情况下进行演进。因此,在 analysis_options_user.yaml
中定义的 lint 已经过时。为了解决这个问题,创建了 package:flutter_lints
。该包对 lint 集进行版本控制,以便在不破坏现有项目的情况下进行演进。由于该包建立在 Dart 的 package:lints
之上,因此它还使 Flutter 项目推荐的 lint 与 Dart 生态系统的其余部分保持一致。
#请按照以下步骤将您的 Flutter 项目迁移到使用来自 package:flutter_lints
的最新推荐 lint
通过在项目的根目录中运行 flutter pub add --dev flutter_lints
,将对 package:flutter_lints
的 dev_dependency 添加到项目的 pubspec.yaml
文件旁边)中创建一个 analysis_options.yaml
include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml
新激活的 lint 集可能会在您的代码中识别出一些新问题。要找到它们,请在支持 Dart 的 IDE 中打开您的项目,或在命令行中运行 flutter analyze
。您可以通过在项目的根目录中运行 dart fix --apply
现有的自定义 analysis_options.yaml 文件
#如果您的项目在其根目录中已经有一个自定义的 analysis_options.yaml
文件,请在顶部添加 include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml
以激活来自 package:flutter_lints
的 lint。如果您的 analysis_options.yaml
已经包含 include:
指令,则您必须决定是要保留这些 lint 还是将其替换为来自 package:flutter_lints
的 lint,因为 Dart 分析器每个 analysis_options.yaml
文件仅支持一个 include:
自定义 lint
#为给定项目激活的 lint 可以进一步在 analysis_options.yaml
文件中自定义。这在下面的示例文件中显示,该文件是 flutter create
为新项目生成的 analysis_options.yaml
# This file configures the analyzer, which statically analyzes Dart code to
# check for errors, warnings, and lints.
# The issues identified by the analyzer are surfaced in the UI of Dart-enabled
# IDEs (https://dart.ac.cn/tools#ides-and-editors). The analyzer can also be
# invoked from the command line by running `flutter analyze`.
# The following line activates a set of recommended lints for Flutter apps,
# packages, and plugins designed to encourage good coding practices.
include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml
# The lint rules applied to this project can be customized in the
# section below to disable rules from the `package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml`
# included above or to enable additional rules. A list of all available lints
# and their documentation is published at
# https://dart-lang.github.io/linter/lints/index.html.
# Instead of disabling a lint rule for the entire project in the
# section below, it can also be suppressed for a single line of code
# or a specific dart file by using the `// ignore: name_of_lint` and
# `// ignore_for_file: name_of_lint` syntax on the line or in the file
# producing the lint.
# avoid_print: false # Uncomment to disable the `avoid_print` rule
# prefer_single_quotes: true # Uncomment to enable the `prefer_single_quotes` rule
# Additional information about this file can be found at
# https://dart.ac.cn/guides/language/analysis-options
相关 PR
除非另有说明,否则本网站上的文档反映了 Flutter 的最新稳定版本。页面最后更新时间为 2024-04-04。 查看源代码 或 报告问题.